Snake Plant



  • Other Names          Mother in law’s tongue | Saint George’s sword | viper’s bowstring hemp
  • Scientific Name      Dracaena trifasciata
  • Types                        Indoor plant | Outdoor plant
  • Height                      2-3 feet

Sansevieria or Snake Plant is a stemless plant with its leaves growing around a point in a rosette form. This plant has a luxurious and premium look when put into a ceramic pot with dark colors. Many hotels and restaurants use this plant to increase the beauty of their place because it can survive in any pot type and can be placed anywhere in the area due to its low maintenance level.


Pot Size

12, 18


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 Plant Care

 Maintenance Level

Low Maintenance


Medium to low light | Avoid direct sunlight, it can damage the foliage.

Watering & Soil

Snake plants prefer loamy soil with a well-drained pot. It is a hardy plant and does not require frequent watering. You can water this plant once or twice in a week.


No specific fertilizer is required for the plant however, urea can be used to increase the size of this plant.


1. This stemless, hard drought plant reduces the level of indoor carbon dioxide by absorbing it.
2. This plant helps in purifying your indoor air by removing xylene, toluene, and formaldehyde.
3. Growth of the snake plant is slow as compared to other plants but it can last for many years


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