Zamia Palm

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Zamia Palm

 1,450 5,200


  • Other Names            Cardboard Palm | Cardboard Cycad | Cardboard Plant | Cardboard Sago | Mexican Cycad
  • Scientific Name        Zamia Furfuracea
  • Types                          Outdoor Plant
  • Height                        3-5 Fee
  • Growth                      up to 5 feet in height and 6.5 feet in width

Zamia Palm or Cardboard palm has bright green and oval pinnate leaves. It is also called a cardboard palm because its leaves have a slightly fuzzy feel similar to cardboard. The height of the plant is generally shorter than its width. It is a slow-growing plant and is commonly kept as a houseplant.


Pot Size

12, 18


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 Plant Care

 Maintenance Level

Normal Maintenance


Bright to Medium Light

Watering & Soil

The trunk of the Zamia Palm can store water therefore in its growing season (i.e spring and autumn) water this plant by keeping in mind to make its soil a little moist. Water needs to be reduced during winter.
Zamia Palm performs excellently in a well-drained pot with the sandy mix


Use a slow-release palm fertilizer at the beginning of its growing season i.e spring and autumn.


Although it is called a Zamia palm, however, in reality, it is not a palm but it gets a name, due to its similar habit of growing like a palm.


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